All youth and leaders attending the Book of Mormon Quest will be dressed in tunics/outfits that are representative of the Book of Mormon time period. Some examples of costumes worn by members of the Lehi Stake at our Book of Mormon Quest in 2016 are included below. In addition, we have included a simple pattern for an easy to make tunic HERE. Sister Jeffrie Borum from the Lehi 1st Ward is our committee chair over sewing and costumes and she is being assisted by a handful of wonderful seamstresses in our stake. If you would like assistance in getting your two outfits assembled or sewn, there will be select evenings during the spring when the seamstresses of our stake will gather at one of our stake buildings for a work night. You can bring your fabric down and they will help you cut and serge two simple outfits, or you can bring $5.00 to purchase a simple fabric kit that they can help you sew. However, each person attending the Quest is ultimately responsible to make, borrow or otherwise procure their own clothing for the Quest (2 outfits per person recommended as we will be there for 3 days).

Work nights with the amazing sewing committee have been set up as follows. All sewing help will be in Jeffrie Borum’s sewing room set up in her garage, at 2563 N. Pioneer. Preferred start time is 6pm, but is flexible, so reach out with what works best for your Ward.

  • Weds April 9th Hillside and Mesa Vista

  • Weds April 16th Lehi 1st Ward

  • Weds April 23rd Lehi 2nd Ward

  • Weds April 30th Monument Ward

  • Weds May 7th Ridge Ward

  • Weds May 14th Harris Park Ward

Take a look at some of the images below for some inspiration.

A few things to note about our Book of Mormon costumes:

  • Please select fabrics that are simple and that do not contain modern day images/logos

  • Although sandals were likely the footwear worn during Book of Mormon times, we will all be wearing closed toed shoes and socks. No flip flops, sandals or open toed shoes allowed.

  • For head protection from the sun, please consider wrapping your head with a cloth wrap or scarf. See examples in the gallery below. No modern day baseball type caps/hats at the Quest please.

  • Consider checking with families in the stake who may have had family members that attended past Book of Mormon Quests. They may be a good source for clothing you can borrow or repurpose.

  • Frequent your local DI or Goodwill stores for inexpensive, simple clothing pieces that you might be able to use a base and then embellish from there.

  • Old bed sheets or fabric can often be picked up at thrift or second hand stores for just a few dollars. You can make a simple robe (to go over a tunic) out of a king size pillow case by cutting arm holes and cutting one side vertically down the middle.

  • Plain neutral colored t-shirts (no designs, no shirt pockets) could be turned into part of a costume by adding trim around the collar and cuffs and then using a fabric piece to wrap around as a skirt. Matching headbands and/or wristbands complete the look. See image of Brother Berrey below.

  • A satchel will be provided to each youth participant at the Quest so they will be able to keep their scriptures, journal and necessary personal items with them throughout the day.

Kara Pothier - Book of Mormon-0619.jpg