when is this book of mormon quest?
Lehi’s Book of Mormon Quest Youth Conference will be held Thursday, May 29th - Saturday, May 31st, 2025.
where will it be?
All youth conference participants will meet at the Mesa, Arizona Lehi Stake Center on Thursday morning, May 29th at 7:30am, in one of their costumes. Following our opening devotional, all participants will travel with their wards to Long Valley Camp, a church owned property in Clints Well, Arizona, where the remainder of the Book of Mormon Quest will take place. Long Valley Camp is located approximately 2 hours north of Mesa.
who can participate?
Following the guidance provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, all young men and young women who will be at least 14 years old by December 31, 2025 (including all graduating seniors) are invited to attend the actual stake youth conference. (Handbook 2, Section 13.4) However, EVERYONE in the Lehi Stake is invited to participate in the reading challenge to complete the Book of Mormon in 2025 . Click HERE if you would like to follow a more accelerated reading schedule to complete the Book of Mormon prior to the Quest. Additionally, you may access the Book of Mormon Reading APP and set up your own customized reading schedule.
when does registration begin?
Registration for Lehi’s Book of Mormon Quest will begin on January 22nd, 2025 and run through May 2, 2025. You may register by clicking HERE.
are graduating seniors invited?
Absolutely! We very much want ALL our graduating seniors to attend and be a part of this epic event. What better way to catapult your spiritual preparation for an upcoming mission, college experience or young adult life. We have planned the event as soon after graduation as possible so that you can attend before heading off for your summer adventures.
is there a charge to attend?
The costs of attending Lehi’s Book of Mormon Quest youth conference are being funded by the Lehi Stake consistent with the guidance in Handbook 2, Section 13.4. No additional fees will be charged for youth or youth leaders attending as part of their calling.
can adults attend?
If they have a specific calling or responsibility at the Book of Mormon Quest, the adult may attend.
if i am attending the youth conference as a ward young men or young women leader, can my spouse attend?
Your spouse may attend if they have a specific calling or responsibility at the Book of Mormon Quest.
how are we getting to and from long valley camp?
Each ward will be responsible to coordinate and provide private vehicle transportation of the youth and adult leaders in their ward to and from Long Valley Camp. Please try and utilize adult leaders who are already attending the Quest in a youth conference leadership assignment as drivers. We strongly encourage as much carpooling and carvanning as possible for safety and efficiency reasons. Parking is also limited. Cory and Allison Stuart will be following up with each ward to confirm that transportation is arranged and to provide directions and appropriate signage.
what is the dress code?
All participants (youth and adults) attending Lehi’s Book of Mormon Quest in any capacity should be dressed in clothing consistent with the Book of Mormon era. Please refer to the CLOTHING page for detailed information, examples of appropriate attire and suggestions on how to make your outfits.
what are the estimated departure and return times for the Quest?
All participants will be meeting at the Mesa Arizona Lehi Stake Center on Thursday May 29th at 7:30am. We expect to return to the stake center around 5:30pm - 6:00pm on Saturday, May 31st.
is all my food going to be provided?
Please eat a good breakfast at home before arriving at the stake center on Thursday morning, May 29th. All meals beginning with lunch on Thursday through lunch on Saturday will be provided by our amazing cooking crew. You will not go hungry (and you should know this if you live in the Lehi Stake!) If you have any food allergies/concerns, please be sure to note that very important information on your registration form. Additionally, you may contact Allison Stuart to address any concerns in person.
Of course! If you would like to follow us on Instagram, our account is LEHISBOMQUEST (click the icon below). You can get periodic updates and reminders leading up to the Quest and see photos of the youth conference posted following the Quest.
i want to help! how can I get involved?
If you are interested in helping with Lehi’s Book of Mormon Quest, Review the CONTACT LIST on this website and see if there is a committee you feel you may be able to help with. If there is, please give the committee head a call and offer your assistance.
A packing list may be downloaded HERE. Please do not bring unnecessary items.
While we love the Pioneer Trek and the experiences and lessons the trek teaches us, the Book of Mormon Quest is a very different experience. The Quest is much less about the physical journey and more about the personal and spiritual one as we bring the Book of Mormon to life. These three days are packed with so many awesome experiences including village activities, games, devotionals, music, battle tactics, firesides, reenactments, reflection opportunites, social time with friends and leaders, great food, and so much more. You don’t want to miss it!
will there be a wrap up fireside at the conclusion of the quest?
Yes, on Sunday evening, June 8th we plan to have a concluding fireside at the Lehi Stake Center at 7:00pm. All Quest attendees and their parents will be invited to come and a highlight video will be shared.
We very much hope that all the youth 14 and up (must be 14 by 12/31/2025 to attend) in our stake will be able to participate in the Quest as much as possible. Should you or your youth have a special need that you are concerned about, please reach out to either Ruth Collins or Allison Stuart to discuss the situation so we can try and accommodate. Please also be sure to note that on your registration form.